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الجمعة، 7 يناير 2011

Making a Banana Milkshake
Whether you create a banana shake with or without ice cream, you'll be able to blend two to three servings in less than five minutes using these simple steps.
With Ice Cream
What You'll Need
1.1 banana
2.1 cup milk
3.5 scoops vanilla ice cream
4.1 teaspoon sugar
6.Tall glasses
What to Do
1.Place the banana, milk, ice cream and sugar in the blender.Recipezaar: Banana Vanilla Milkshake2
2.Use increase or decrease the amount of ice cream to customize the thickness and taste to your liking.Recipezaar: Banana Vanilla Milkshake
3.Blend for about 45 seconds, until smooth.Recipezaar: Banana Milkshake3
4.Pour into glasses and enjoy immediately.Recipezaar: Banana Milkshake with Vanilla4

الاثنين، 3 يناير 2011

Alia-english: Simple past

Hey sweet sugar, how you doing? am not here as your teacher, am here as your own friend, I would like to tell you that am so proud of you and beleive in your abilities, just show more of what you can do by yourself not copy and paste
I know you will be something important in the futuere:)
keep it up darl...